Netflix will be required to stream 20 state TV channels in Russia

From March, Netflix will have to broadcast 20 state television channels in Russia. Roskomnadzor, WatchDog Media of the country, recorded the platform as an “audiovisual service” this week. Among the Netflix channels should wear the ONE flagship channel, the NTV entertainment network and a Russian orthodox church chain called spas (which means “registered”).

Streaming services with more than 100,000 daily users in Russia are included in the registry, established at the end of last year. Not only should the recorded platforms offer state television channels, they must constitute a Russian company, depending on the time of Moscow.

Registry companies must also comply with Russian law. On the one hand, Netflix will not be allowed to promote “extremism”. Critics claim that the provision has been submitted to those who support Kremlin’s opponents.

Other video services from the country would have argued that Netflix should be added to the registry to level the playground because it meets the requirements. The Russian version of Netflix is ​​operated by the online entertainment service, a subsidiary of the National Media Group, which has a one-piece participation.

Engadget contacted Netflix to comment.

In November, Russia examines the complaint about the content of LGBTQia + on Netflix. The company told Engadget this content was considered appropriately. The same month, Russia has ordered several technological giants (including Apple, Google, Meta, Tiktok and Twitter) to create offices within its borders by the end of this year.

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