Samsung’s big bet on foldable phones paid off

If you were a little worried when telephone manufacturers started revealing and throwing foldable smartphones, you were certainly not alone. For some, it seemed like it may be that the world’s smartphone manufacturers sought to create a niche instead of filling a need for foldable smartphones, but over time and that these designs have become more refined, we have started to see very cool devices. It looks like the entrance into the world of the plugables was a good shot for Samsung, at least, as the company shared rather impressive milestones today.

Samsung shared these milestones in a post at the Samsung newsroom. The article comes off mainly as a self-felicitable plush piece that traces Samsung’s footsteps from the early idea of ​​folding screens through the possible release of the Galaxy Fold – Samsung’s first consumer folding smartphone – and Newer folding devices such as Galaxy Z Flip 3.

Although it can make a great walk in the way that provides an overview of the development of these folding phones, we found some kind of information particularly interesting. In this article, Samsung claims that the Galaxy Z Flip 3 has led a surprising number of people to change the brand of smartphones.

“This unprecedented thrust in innovation has generated a growing demand for foldable devices, bringing more users to the Galaxy family than ever,” says Samsung. “Compared to Galaxy Note20, Samsung recorded a 150% increase in consumers who have changed Smartphones for Galaxy Z Flip3 and a 140% increase from Galaxy S21”.

There is a footnote that says this information comes from the Grand Samsung data center, so internal statistics are. Nevertheless, it is impressive that Z Flip 3 seems to have tried more people on other devices than the Galaxy S21 and Galaxy Note 20 – Two flagships have succeeded.

It may be because the leads like Z Flip 3 are new, but the results of Samsung’s buyers’ investigations suggest that this could be more than that. Those who bought Z Flip 3, for example, told Samsung that “elegant design, portability and an innovative folding form factor were the best purchasing drivers” from this phone, while Samsung Galaxy Z fold 3 buyers have been attracted to the phone. Due to “its large content visualization screen, multitasking capabilities and productivity features”.

Although Samsung’s news is a little too full of PR talk about our taste, it seems that society is on something with its folding phones. From there, Samsung says it will continue to grow the segment, partly by collaborating with application developers and “strongly investing in R & D”.

A Samsung partnership makes a specific score of its team with Google, which has seen both of them create guidelines for applications running on folding screen devices earlier this year. If there was a question before, it seems prudent to suppose that the leads will be at the heart of Samsung’s smartphone strategy, so we can expect to see more about these devices in the future.

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